Magnify the Lord
Friday, 27 May 2005
Why ?
Now Playing: Are we willing to accept God's answers, or do we want our own ?
Topic: Answers
1 Chronicles 25-27, John 9:1-23
Key Verse: John 9:3

Perhaps the most-oft asked question of God is "Why?" Sometimes people ask it in an accusatory tone, as if they can demand of God an explanation for His actions. Other times it is the plaintive cry of a searching heart, one of pain or confusion. In the Bible we can find the answers to that question.

One day the disciples asked Jesus the "why" question. They thought they knew the answer and only wanted it refined. Why was this man blind? To the disciples, it was obvious the man was blind because of sin. So their question really was, "Who sinned?"

We need to let God answer the question, not give Him our answers. That became obvious when Jesus replied that "neither this man nor his parents sinned" (v. 3). Yes, there are times of suffering due to sin and its effects, but that is not always the answer. As Jesus explained, some suffering occurs so that "the work of God might be displayed." And in John 11:15, we're told that Lazarus' death happened "so that you may believe."

Our troubles can be times of testimony as Jesus works in our lives.

Instead of asking why, just pray. Ask God to use your troubles as a testimony so that your life will bring glory to Him and draw others to Jesus

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 12:30 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 27 May 2005 12:32 PM EDT

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