Magnify the Lord
Thursday, 8 December 2005
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Now Playing: Available Spiritual Resources
Topic: Admin

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Posted by dondegr1 at 12:05 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 2 January 2009 8:09 PM EST
Saturday, 4 June 2005
How Low will we go ?
Topic: Humility

2 Chronicles 17-18, John 13:1-20
Key Verses: John 13:14-15

Ever see a candy wrapper on the floor of the lobby at church? Probably, and if not there, maybe you saw one left on a pew, along with the discarded bulletin from the service.

Did you ever pick up the candy wrapper and throw it away, or did you leave it for someone else? If you left it, could it be that you did not stoop to pick up someone else's trash because it was "beneath you"?

We can assess our pride by considering the question of what we will or will not do in various situations. In a sense, a candy wrapper is an easy test. It gets harder when it's a used tissue on the floor, or a church workday when you are assigned to clean toilets. How "servant" our servant heart is will be revealed by where we draw the line in what we will do.

The disciples served their Master but drew the line at washing feet. It was a mealtime, where provision had been made to attend to this lowest of servant tasks, but not a single disciple moved to pick up the basin and towel. It probably did not take long to establish that no one was going to do what obviously should be done.

Then Jesus wrapped a towel around His waist, poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples' feet. What they would not stoop to do, He did. "I have set you an example," He said (v. 15).

Examples are set to follow. The candy wrapper you see next Sunday at church is a test. How low will you go to serve your Master?

Pride is a danger that must be carefully watched. Ask yourself, "What is beneath me?" and then ask the Holy Spirit to bring it to your mind again, especially at a time when it is not just a question but a genuine test of pride.

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 8:41 PM EDT
Logo Wear
Now Playing: How well do we represent the Lord ?
Topic: Christian Walk
2 Chronicles 19-20, John 13:21-38
Key Verses: John 13:34-35

A current marketing trend is stores that sell only logo wear. Want a hat that has a favorite team name on it? You can get it there-as well as shirts, pants, socks, pens, pencils, posters, beanie babies . . . you get the picture. We like to let others know our favorite teams, schools, vacation spots and hobbies by becoming a walking billboard. We proclaim our loves.

While we proclaim our loves, Jesus wants our love to proclaim. Specifically, He said that by our love for one another "all men will know that you are my disciples" (v. 35). The logo wear of the disciple of Christ is love.

Read carefully, though. Jesus said that we are to love as He has loved us (v. 34). The definition of love does not come from the latest popular movie or song on the radio but from the example set by Jesus. In Ephesians 5:25-32, Paul detailed Christ's love for us:

1. His is a sacrificial love--He gave himself up for us (v. 25).
2. His is a purifying love--He did that to make the church holy (v. 26).
3. His is a caring love--just as we take care of our bodies, He takes care of us (v. 29).
4. His is an unending love--like God intended for husbands and wives, united permanently, a union that illustrates the union of Christ and the church (vv. 31-32).

It's easy to put on a hat with a favorite team logo to let people know we are fans. But it is vital that our lives be a logo, stamped indelibly with the trademark of a disciple--love for one another. And not just any love, but a love patterned after the love of Christ.

Does your love for others show enough that you are recognized as a disciple?

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 8:39 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 4 June 2005 8:55 PM EDT
Now Playing: He sorrowed that we may live with Him one day with no pain or sorrow !
Topic: Sorrow
You don't hear it often, but it can be one of the saddest sounds you'll ever hear: a grown man brought to tears by his circumstances. Is it wrong for a man to cry? No, not at all. Tears reveal the tremendous passion we have for what's important.

Consider Jesus. He had passion. He wept over the death of a friend. He warmed to the company of children. And on the night of his death, He was filled with great sorrow.

The scene was the Garden of Gethsemane. Christ had invited Peter, James and John to be with Him. Why? Matthew 26:38 says, "Then He said to them, 'My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.'"

Notice the drama of the wording. Christ was not just full of sorrow, He was EXCEEDINGLY sorrowful. He knew what His mission was. It was to offer Himself as a sacrifice for mankind. What tremendous passion and courage that took.

The story of Jesus in Gethsemane is contained in Matthew 26. Read it for yourself, and relive the passion Christ has for you.

(from W. Kroll)

Posted by dondegr1 at 8:36 PM EDT
Monday, 30 May 2005
Now Playing: Come apart and rest a while !
Topic: Message
There will be limited postings this summer. Please read other worthwhile content from previous months or other sites.


Posted by dondegr1 at 6:13 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 November 2006 3:36 PM EST
Friday, 27 May 2005
The Easiest Wrong to Correct
Now Playing: Whose faults are we focused on...ourselves or those of others ?
Topic: Problems
1 Chronicles 19-21, John 8:1-27
Key Verse: John 8:7

The easiest wrongs to identify and correct are those of others. By nature we are both faultfinders and fault avoiders. We can see the errors of others much more easily than our own and manage to expect change from them while finding excuses for ourselves.

When the Pharisees brought an immoral woman before Jesus, their intent was to pin Him on the horns of a dilemma. How could He, a friend of sinners, condemn her? How could He, a righteous man, fail to keep the law? Their focus was on Jesus as they not only set but also sprung their trap.

Ever notice that the man involved in this act of adultery was not brought before Jesus? Perhaps the adultery itself was part of the setting of the trap and he was part of the plot, providing an opportunity to catch a woman in the act.

Then the unexpected occurred. Instead of answering their question, Jesus pinned the Pharisees with His statement, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her" (v. 7).

No stones were thrown. Their error was exposed. The faultfinders could not avoid their own faults. It is interesting that the first to leave were the older ones, men who knew there was no use denying their own sins.

Seeing the wrong in others is easy; seeing the wrong in ourselves is imperative. There are times when we confront others biblically regarding their sins. But we must always confront ourselves as well.

The psalmist prayed, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Ps. 139:23-24). Pray that prayer now and often-especially when you are finding fault in others.

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 12:32 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 27 May 2005 12:32 PM EDT
Why ?
Now Playing: Are we willing to accept God's answers, or do we want our own ?
Topic: Answers
1 Chronicles 25-27, John 9:1-23
Key Verse: John 9:3

Perhaps the most-oft asked question of God is "Why?" Sometimes people ask it in an accusatory tone, as if they can demand of God an explanation for His actions. Other times it is the plaintive cry of a searching heart, one of pain or confusion. In the Bible we can find the answers to that question.

One day the disciples asked Jesus the "why" question. They thought they knew the answer and only wanted it refined. Why was this man blind? To the disciples, it was obvious the man was blind because of sin. So their question really was, "Who sinned?"

We need to let God answer the question, not give Him our answers. That became obvious when Jesus replied that "neither this man nor his parents sinned" (v. 3). Yes, there are times of suffering due to sin and its effects, but that is not always the answer. As Jesus explained, some suffering occurs so that "the work of God might be displayed." And in John 11:15, we're told that Lazarus' death happened "so that you may believe."

Our troubles can be times of testimony as Jesus works in our lives.

Instead of asking why, just pray. Ask God to use your troubles as a testimony so that your life will bring glory to Him and draw others to Jesus

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 12:30 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 27 May 2005 12:32 PM EDT
Spending Someone Else's Money
Now Playing: How do we use the funds to which God has entrusted us ?
Topic: Stewardship
1 Chronicles 28-29, John 9:24-41
Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 29:16

A credit card in the hands of a college student can be a dangerous thing when the name on the card is not his own, but dad's. With my permission-actually, by my instruction- my daughter and her fiance had a nice meal at a restaurant near their college. When the bill came to the table, the credit card came out of the wallet. I later kidded my daughter, a former waitress, about the generous tip she left, also charged to my card.

I had no problem with her charging the meal, or even with the amount of the tip. It was what I had told her to do. And it illustrates a truth. It is easier to spend someone else's money than your own, especially when told to spend it. We know that, but sometimes we struggle to really do it.

You might be thinking, I wouldn't have a problem doing that! But perhaps you do. Everything you have belongs to God. It is all His-even your money. He tells us how to use His money, but sometimes we struggle spending His money the way He wants it spent.

David understood that, and it affected not only him but the people of Israel as they raised the money needed to build the temple. He even said, "As for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you" (29:16).

When we realize that our money is really God's, then we will spend and give as God wants His money spent and given.

How do you view your finances and possessions? Does your checkbook reflect the heart of a faithful steward of God's resources? If not, refigure your budget today and give as God instructs.

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 12:28 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 27 May 2005 12:33 PM EDT
Monday, 23 May 2005
There Will Be a Test !
Now Playing: Are we trusting in God or our own abilities ?
Topic: Accountability
1 Chronicles 4-6, John 6:1-21
Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 5:20, 25

It has been said that the problem with the school of hard knocks is that the tests are given first. That's a hard way to learn-test first, lesson later. Paul, speaking particularly of the Old Testament, said that these things were "written to teach us" (Rom. 15:4). If only we would learn first, we might do better passing the tests.

In 1 Chronicles 5 we can learn from people who passed and then failed. It looked like they knew what to do but then forgot. The people were of the tribes of Israel, Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh.

First they show us that trust in God can bring victory. "They were helped in fighting" by God "because they cried out to him . . . . He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him" (v. 20).

Then "they were unfaithful . . . and prostituted themselves" to other gods (v. 25). Just as trust in God can bring victory, so unfaithfulness can bring defeat. They paid a high price for their forgetfulness. God raised up an enemy who took them captive and carried them away into exile.

If you saw three people in front of you lose their money in a vending machine, would you put in your quarters? Hopefully not! Instead, you would learn from their example.

Learn from the examples of those who lived in Bible times. Trust can bring victory; unfaithfulness, defeat. Tests will come. All that remains is for you to show that you have learned-and pass the test.

As you read your Bible, look carefully for the lessons God has for you and apply them to your life. He did not give us the Bible just to increase our knowledge but to change the way we live.

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 8:54 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 23 May 2005 9:03 AM EDT
I Just Work Here
Now Playing: Are we willing to do what we are required to please God ?
Topic: Responsibility
Chronicles 7-9, John 6:22-44
Key Verse: John 6:38

"Don't ask me, I just work here" are words usually spoken by someone wanting to avoid responsibility, not as an expression of submission to authority. The obvious intent is to "pass the buck," if not the blame, to someone higher up.

Actually, though, it could be a great statement of submission. If those words were said as an acknowledgment that the person is doing as told, it would reflect an obedient attitude, that of one who is submissive to whomever is in charge.

Unfortunately, we are more prone to sarcasm than submission. Yet God calls us to submission and gives us a model to follow--Jesus. He said, "I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me" (v. 38).

Knowing what God wanted Him to do kept Jesus from getting sidetracked. The crowd wanted Him to feed them from now on. That was their will, but He would not submit to their desires because He was already submitted to the will of the Father. And it is clear that He not only knew God's will but was submitted to it and determined to carry it out.

There was no sarcasm in His voice as He said these words because they came from a submissive heart. What a contrast to the self-serving words of the crowd, who said, "Give us this bread" (v. 34). They were asking for what they wanted.

Do your words come from a submissive or a self-serving heart? When you pray, which matters most-your will or God's?

How serious are you when you pray, "Not my will, but Thine"? Look for submissiveness in your life. Can you find evidence of it in how you use your time, talents and finances? Read Ephesians 5:21. Do others see this verse in your relationships?

(from W. Kroll, T. Beckett)

Posted by dondegr1 at 8:52 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 23 May 2005 9:03 AM EDT

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